martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Why did I choose my career.

When I was a child I didn't have a dream job to the future because my mind always changed and I thought that it was a decision to make when I was older. But anyway I remember that once I found my second grade book and there was the same question "¿What do you want to do when you grow up?" And my answer was "Baker" so I suppose my dream job was that. Honestly I don't know the reason.
After that I wanted to study other things  like engineer because I used to love math, chef because ¿who doesn't love food?

Then, when I was in high school I discovered the pharmacy career, I had never heard about it until that year and it was all I had been looking. I wanted to study a career in the medicine area but I didn't want to treat directly with the patients so this make me put  away almost every career of this area. But pharmacy is related with the people's health and it has so many workfields that it became in my goal. And it was my only option for all this time.
I applied two times to university because the first time my score wasn't enough and that time I didn't apply to any other career, just pharmacy in almost every university that imparts. But second time I had the experience of the first one so I apply to other careers like Chemistry and Chemical engineering.

And now I'm studying pharmacy like I wanted, but I have always had problems with studies, I always do everything at the last minute and can't organize my time so all this makes that studying never be a good experience for me. But I have known really good people and I enjoy their company.

Like as said before pharmacy has a lot of workfields but there is one that I like, I would like to work in a hospital, helping people and being part of a team. But I'm  just beginning and I open to know the other areas and finally choose wich I prefer.

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