martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

From the invisible to the visible world and back.

Nanoparticles and nanotechnology are part of an almost complete new world and to know that it can be aplied to human's health makes it more interesting.
Reading (just before writing) about this topic I found information about a nanoparticle called "solid lipid nanoparticles" (SLN) like it's name said is composed of solid lipids and it's function is to carry.
In pharmaceutical area is used to transportate drugs and protect the active principle in order to arrive complete and be more effective in the organ where is needed.
Thanks to this function the use of drugs have better results because the drug doesn't dissolve in the way (for example, the stomach environment) and it's use have better results.
Besides this, it have more advantages like:
- Decreases the frequency of dosing.
- Reduces drug toxicity.
- Increases drug bioavailability.
All this advantages directly affect patient health and that is the reason this topic caught my attention and because it relates with drugs and pharmacy.

Before to write this post I didn't know so much about nanoparticles, but now I can see a part of their uses, functions, and that this can be applied in a lot of areas. I think that is necessary to develop this technologies for people, science, environment and maybe we can have a better future.

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