At university I have learn a lot because every class we have practiced talking and writing as you can see, I think that having a blog has been a good way to practice our writing skills because we must do it every week and because I think that read blogs from our classmates helps us to increase our own habilities.
Something that I have noticed when I write and more when I speak is that I have a reduce english vocabulary, when I read this is something that can be less notorius because you can know the meaning of the words according to context but is not like you can invent words while you are speaking. Something that I tried this year was every time that I didn't knew a word search it in the dictionary and I have felt that this idea has helped me.
The best part of learning english is that I can apply what I learned in class in other things that are not related to university for example in the summer and during my free time in the first semester I subtitled some series and it was really funny for me. And for this summer I plan to read a book in english that is in my house.
I really hope in the future to have greater dominance of this language because I know is a very good tool when you work in the scientific area and also hope to study or work for a while in a country with english like first language.
The best part of learning english is that I can apply what I learned in class in other things that are not related to university for example in the summer and during my free time in the first semester I subtitled some series and it was really funny for me. And for this summer I plan to read a book in english that is in my house.
I really hope in the future to have greater dominance of this language because I know is a very good tool when you work in the scientific area and also hope to study or work for a while in a country with english like first language.
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