viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016

My english learning experience.

The truth is that I don't like so much english I know is important for our future jobs and that's why I have tried to learn as much as I can also because is useful in the daily life.
At university I have learn a lot because every class we have practiced talking and writing as you can see, I think that having a blog has been a good way to practice our writing skills because we must do it every week and because I think that read blogs from our classmates helps us to increase our own habilities. 
Something that I have noticed when I write and more when I speak is that I have a reduce english vocabulary, when I read this is something that can be less notorius because you can know the meaning of the words according to context but is not like you can invent words while you are speaking. Something that I tried this year was every time that I didn't knew a word search it in the dictionary and I have felt that this idea has helped me.
The best part of learning english is that I can apply what I learned in class in other things that are not related to university for example in the summer and during my free time in the first semester I subtitled some series and it was really funny for me. And for this summer I plan to read a book in english that is in my house.
I really hope in the future to have greater dominance of this language because I know is a very good tool when you work in the scientific area and also hope to study or work for a while in a country with english like first language.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

A recent problem.

This problem happened this year, in fact it was this semester during the week of the Universitary Olympics Games (JOE for its acronym in spanish). I went with a classmate to watch a volleyball game that was in a Beauchef's gym. We watched the game and after that I had to go home. I was not sure if I could remember the way to subway because I almost never learn the ways to anyway when I go for the first time, but this time this was not the problem because I could. When I get to the metro station I charged my card with $400 chilean pesos that was all the money that I had and after that like everyone does I went to the tourniquets where there were two people to enter before me, when it was my turn I payed and I really don't know what happened in that moment but suddenly the card didn't have enough money. It was really strange and I didn't know what to do, the first thing that ocurred to me was looking for the ticket of the charge that I had just done so I sarted with the search but there was a lot of tickets in my backpack, really A LOT, and any of this was the one that I needed in that moment, that ticket never appeared so the first idea was discarded. But ¿what else could I do? ¿Walk all the way home? ¿Ask people passing by for money? None of those ideas convinced me so I kept thinking and suddenly a moment in the past came to my mind. In this scene there was my mother giving me an emergency subway ticket of those you get when the subway fails and me putting it in my wallet. It was my most appreciated memory in that moment. After this flashforward I took the ticket from my wallet and went home. And that's how my problem was solved!

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

Postgraduate studies.

I feel like there will be necessary hundred of years to reach this moment of my life and probably when I get there my decision will be different, but now I would like to do a postgraduate about plants and

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016

Penicillin discovery.

Was September,1928 when Alexander Fleming in a casual way discovered penicillin. It all started with a culture plate where the penicillin fungus developed inhibiting the bacteria that was originally in the culture plate. And this is how the first antibiotic (a drug used to treat bacterial infections) was discovered.

As I said before Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) was the discoverer. He was a scottish scientist sun of a farmer, studied in Royal Polytechnic Institution and  in St. Mary's Hospital Medical School.

Before this discovery people just died for simple and more complex infections 

- name / describe the discovery invention or advancement in knowledge related with your career
-who were the most important figures
- what changes did it bring 
- consequences (good, bad)
- put up a picture/video
- 200 words

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

The most memorable movie I've seen.

When I was in my first year of secondary in history we were studying first and second world war, at that moment this was a topic very new and interesting for me. The same year I saw at my home "The boy in the striped pyjamas" is a movie that is about two boys that meet each other during second war, one of them is jewish and the other is german, the german boy lives next to the concentration camp where the jewish boy is and they are separated just for a wire fence.

   I don't think that this is the best movie I have seen about world wars but maybe the fact that the meaning characters were kids and their innocence about what was going on around them were things that made me think about the reality behind the story (remember that I had just studied this topic in school). In this analysis of the movie I couldn't understeand why jewish people had to suffer this way and I thought about the millions of them that die just for be/born jewish it was sad and I cry a lot.

For those that haven't seen it I recommend to watch it, I don't say that it will be the best movie you will see but it deserves to be watched and it will take only 1h and 34 minutes! If you see it I hope you enjoy :)

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

The best holidays.

Totoralillo, La Serena.
I think that it was the summer of 2005 or 2006 I'm not sure. We went with my family to La Serena for almost 2 weeks, we stayed in my aunt and cousin's house who lives there. 
I remember that we travel in bus, the trip take like 6 hours and my mother bought us headphones so we could watch the movies that were showed in the tv bus and when we return to Santiago they showed the same movies. 
During vacations we went to three different beaches, we visited a museum and toured around city.
The only beaches I knew before this trip were some of the 5th region and it were so different principally because of the water temperature at the first ones I only could put my feet in the water but in La Serena I even could swim.

Last year we went to La Serena again but this time was different. My older sister went with her husband and my other sister didn't go. I'm not going to say it was worst it just was different. 

I think that our first time in La Serena was the best because it was the first. Everything was new and we were sharing like real family holidays for the first time, that's what made them special. 

 El Faro beach, La Serena.

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016

A country I'd like to visit.

The truth is that if I would have the opportunity to go to almost any country I probably would, but in this case we have to choose one and the country that is on the top of my list is Denmark.
I have heard so many times about Denmark that is one of the countries with better quality of life, that their habitants are the happiest and I would like to see why.
Also through photos on the internet I have seen the beautiful landscapes and cities there are.
I don't know which are the main attractions there that's why I haven't thought what I would like to do if I went but probably would be something like walk around the city and eat because if something important exist is to eat a typical food when you visit a place.
And principally I want to see their lifestyle and for that maybe I should live there for a while I don't believe that go on vacation would show me that things.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016

My blogging experience.

In the past I had thought about having a blog, even I started one (in Spanish) but I only write one post and finally I decided to delete it. I think is a strange thing because I have never enjoy writing and express feelings and opinions but for some reason blogging has caught my attention for a long time and now thanks to english class I have one!
At the beginning even start to write was very difficult to me especially when the topic was about something we like because I took a lot of time to choose something, but although I'm not the fastest to decide now is easier to me.
Writing this blog in general has been a good experience because I have learned how to put in order my ideas and my vocabulary has increased. Also reading blogs of my classmates has been funny because it has allowed me to know about them, their likes and that we are not so different.
If I keep writing maybe would be about places, movies, theater plays, books; something like a blog of reviews and the blog would be a motivation for go to places, watch movies, read books just to keep it updated.

With this experience I have learned that is not necessary be an expert in a topic to write, we can do it just for fun and that the goal doesn't need to be became to be one of the most popular blogs, it just can be learn, enjoy or have a place to express our feelings.

martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

From the invisible to the visible world and back.

Nanoparticles and nanotechnology are part of an almost complete new world and to know that it can be aplied to human's health makes it more interesting.
Reading (just before writing) about this topic I found information about a nanoparticle called "solid lipid nanoparticles" (SLN) like it's name said is composed of solid lipids and it's function is to carry.
In pharmaceutical area is used to transportate drugs and protect the active principle in order to arrive complete and be more effective in the organ where is needed.
Thanks to this function the use of drugs have better results because the drug doesn't dissolve in the way (for example, the stomach environment) and it's use have better results.
Besides this, it have more advantages like:
- Decreases the frequency of dosing.
- Reduces drug toxicity.
- Increases drug bioavailability.
All this advantages directly affect patient health and that is the reason this topic caught my attention and because it relates with drugs and pharmacy.

Before to write this post I didn't know so much about nanoparticles, but now I can see a part of their uses, functions, and that this can be applied in a lot of areas. I think that is necessary to develop this technologies for people, science, environment and maybe we can have a better future.

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2016

The most enjoyable subject thus far.

From the beginning of this year I knew that at least for four semesters I was gonna have leveling subjects and they are okay, but between these there is one that is called "Chemical laboratory techniques" this subject is so exciting for me because I didn't have chemical laboratories in school so I only learned theoretical chemistry there.

This class is divided in two sections. The first is theoretical and after that we have the practical part. In laboratory we are divided in groups from A to D and each group is formed by about 18 members. We have done different activities and the first classes were about basic things we needed to know like use different types of balance, measure volume with different instruments and more, learn this was important to be ready for more advanced techniques. 

I like this subject because I like to see how the things that we have learned in the theoretical class happen in the lab and simply because is funny, I feel that is similar with cooking that is one of my favourite hobbies. Besides of this reasons I like the environment that forms, the attitude of teachers is ideal because they are willing to answer all your questions and in this type of subjects where your mistake is not just a wrong answer in a paper the disposition of teachers and their assistants is very important.

And this is just my first semester! I hope to discover many subjects that I can enjoy as much as working in laboratory.

Marya Sklodowska.

There are so many scientists throughout history and almost all of them are men but among them is this outstanding physicist and chemist, Marya Sklodowska better known as Marie Curie.
Marie Curie was a polish nationalized french scientist. She was born in November 7, 1867 and passed away in July 4, 1934. She was married with Pierre Curie who was scientist too.
She studied in Sorbonne University, institution where later she became in teacher being the first woman in this position.

Marie Curie

In 1898 along with her husband announced the discovery of two elements: Plonium and Radium thanks to this they won in 1903 the Nobel Prize in Physics and in 1911 she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

I like her because she is one of them most recongnised woman in the science history. There must be others, of course, but I have heard most about her. I like the fact that she excelled in an area commonly dominated for men and that she was the first in some of her achievements, that makes me think she was not interested in what other people could say about her because she was not like the women of her time. Maybe she was the motivation for other women to become interested in science.

martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

About pets, love and friendship...

The truth is, I'm not a pet lover, we have a dog and we have had others and a hamster years ago but that's all.
My dog is called Aldonza, my sister, my mother and I named it and for my sister and I the name was for Pascualina's sister (is a character from a diary) and for my mom was for the character in "El Quijote" (is the real name of Dulcinea).
Aldonza is the daughter of my aunt's dog and I remember that it was with almost all their brothers when we met it, it was so cute with it little dog's face.
We have it since 2006, it is a Cocker Spaniel.
About the hamster we had it during 2005 and his name was Eugenio, rare name for a hamster but is for a story that I'm not gonna tell now and maybe never.
The first pet that I remember is "Fifí" it was a dog, a Cocker too but I don't remember it so much because it was a long time ago .

As you can see this is not a topic that excites me, so I'm done.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

A photograph I like

One of the photos that I like was taken by _____ (I will find out because I don't know), and lucky me! the capture date appears in it. It was in 1999 I was three years old by then.

As you can see is a photo of five people. From left to right: a boy (Juan José), a girl (Javiera), a younger girl (Rocío), an old woman (Adriana) and a little girl (as I said in the first post, I'm the youngest sibling). They are my two sisters, my brother and my grandmother.

I like this photo because it makes me feel happy and that's the thing, makes me feel. I think a photo is not complete if it doesn't  makes you feel something and if this feeling is happiness, so much better. Also I like because my grandmother appears, I don't have many memories with her and whit my grandparents in general because all of them died when I was so young, and I'm not sure but is the only picture with one of them that I can remember.

Now I read the previous paragraph it sounds sad, but that's not what I want to transmit! I mean, look this photo! The people in it are happy, maybe their smiles are not so big, but believe me, they are.

And just in case that you ask to where I'm looking at, my mom was in that direction obviously saying "look at the camera" but guess what.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Human evolution timeline.

1.       What's been the role of climate change in the development of humans?

Climate change has given humans the need of adaptation to the different weather, causing the changes needed to survive in their new enviroment.

2.       In your opinion, what is the most significant milestone for the human evolution? Why?

I think that the control of some plants and animals because it allows humans to become sedentary and start civilizations.

3.        Which early human species was thought to be the first to use tools made from stone?

Homo habilis.

4.        Who were the first human species to travel to and live in Europe? When?

Homo heidelbergensis. About 700.000 to 200.000 years ago.

5.       Which species survived for the longest time? For how long?

Homo erectus. For more tan nine times as long as our own specie.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

About books and films.

When I think in favourites things like food, music, books, places to visit or anything I believe that this must be things that I would like to share with other people, recommend and that I could eat/ read/ watch/go again and again. So whit this thought I have choose these book and film.

I haven't read many books, not because I don't like to read but because I'm a slow reader, I can take almost 6 months and more to finish a book. So between that ones that I've read there is "Papelucho" but ¿WHY? . Is not for the story, is not for the writer and is not because of the characters. Is my favourite for what represents to me, it was the first book that I buy with own money and one of the first that I didn't read for school. I'm gratefull to this book for show me how funny can be reading and the good friend that a book can be.

Unlike books I have seen lots of films so it's difficult to choose one so I just will write about one of the many that I like. 
"Little miss sunshine" is one of my favourites I don't remember when I exactly watched it but its premiere was in 2007 so I suposse that I saw it for the first time in a nearly date to that, but I have seen again since that time. 
This movie is about a family and their trip to carry their little girl to a beauty contest. But is not just the mother and father going with her, also they go with their brother (who has vow of silence), grandfather (the creator of the presentations of his granddaughter) and an auncle (who has just left a psychiatric hospital) all this personalities reunited in a van for a long trip. 
I like it because is not a typical movie of a family trip, every actor and actress make a really good job and because they show how this adventure change their perspectives and fortify their relation.

This is the trailer :)

Also I would like to add that I really enjoy animation films and romantic comedies, I think that are light movies that you can see in any time. Lot of love to Disney and their musical.

martes, 26 de abril de 2016

My favourite piece of technology.

I had never asked me this before, so now that I have to I really don't know which is. I began thinking in Smart phones, Smart TV, computers, tablets that are stuff I use and actually almost everybody does, but I don't feel that one of these is my favourite. I thought a lot about what I should write and finally concluded (with my teacher's help) that the camera is the chosen one.

I don't have an own camera, but I have a cellphone and my cellphone contains a camera and maybe this can make you think "so her favourite divice is the cell phone" but I don't really like its other functions.

The reason why I like it is because I'm a observer person and in a photo you can save every detail even those that you couldn't see before, also I like because photos let me see how people was when they were younger or see how my ancestors were.

they aren't my ancestors, it's just a picture from google

I don't use my cell phone camera often just when I think that I'm in a beatiful place or when I see something I like and the battery is charged.

I think that if cameras didn't exist life wouldn't have memories or maybe everything would be draws but that would never be the same, and live action films wouldn't exist neither! Oh no! that would be horrible! Because all began with photos. Also the camera has been important in science because it allows to show new discoveries like in astronomy, zoology, geography and more.

I just write some examples but as you can see camera is not just a memories keeper it's a really good invention.

martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Why did I choose my career.

When I was a child I didn't have a dream job to the future because my mind always changed and I thought that it was a decision to make when I was older. But anyway I remember that once I found my second grade book and there was the same question "¿What do you want to do when you grow up?" And my answer was "Baker" so I suppose my dream job was that. Honestly I don't know the reason.
After that I wanted to study other things  like engineer because I used to love math, chef because ¿who doesn't love food?

Then, when I was in high school I discovered the pharmacy career, I had never heard about it until that year and it was all I had been looking. I wanted to study a career in the medicine area but I didn't want to treat directly with the patients so this make me put  away almost every career of this area. But pharmacy is related with the people's health and it has so many workfields that it became in my goal. And it was my only option for all this time.
I applied two times to university because the first time my score wasn't enough and that time I didn't apply to any other career, just pharmacy in almost every university that imparts. But second time I had the experience of the first one so I apply to other careers like Chemistry and Chemical engineering.

And now I'm studying pharmacy like I wanted, but I have always had problems with studies, I always do everything at the last minute and can't organize my time so all this makes that studying never be a good experience for me. But I have known really good people and I enjoy their company.

Like as said before pharmacy has a lot of workfields but there is one that I like, I would like to work in a hospital, helping people and being part of a team. But I'm  just beginning and I open to know the other areas and finally choose wich I prefer.

sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Getting to know each other...

My name is Pía Palma P. as the last daughter of four I'm the favorite, of course (just kidding).
I was born in Santiago, Chile in 1996 two days before my oldest sister's birthday so my mom couldn't be in home that day (sorry, not sorry)
I have three siblings, their names are Javiera, Juan José and Rocío.
Javiera is married with Christian and they are parents of Renato and Gabriel, two little babies with 6 months of life.
Juan José is a 22 years old really cool boy. He is down's syndrome and he is in a special school. He gives our family happiness and a simple way to see life.
Rocío is 21 and she is like my best friend. Nowadays she is serving in a religious mission in Argentina.
My parents are Mario and Gabriela, he has always lived in Santiago and she was born in Rancagua.

About me: I studied in Liceo Carmela Carvajal de Prat and I graduated in 2014. Last year I was a student in Cepech and I took the "PSU" again. And now I'm studying pharmacy .